I ran across a site that would be a good place to advertise your business for free. Its a site that allows to add your advertisement to the site free. This I think can be effective if your advertising something that someone who posts ads would want. It would work perfect. For instance I have my site www.thetellafriend.com
great tool to add to your site to increase your traffic. Well I have posted there because I know people posting on a site like that are looking to increase there traffic free. Why because thats the reason they are their posting there ad. In order for them to post a ad they have to look at another members site and it rotates great system! The site is http://www.freeadvertisingforum.com/
This site may only get you 50 or so extra hits but it should add to your link populairtiy too! Which is very big for search engines! I would love to increase my link popularity by adding my ad to sites like this. If you know of some other good sites please tell us about them. This forum is for everyone to discuss some great advertising ideas. Its been a pleasure giving you this information please visit my site at the bottom of this post. Give it a shot it will increase your traffic. I actually get traffic to my blog from this tool you may notice the tool at the bottom of the site. Its a great tool to have I wouldnt market without it.
Robby Keller
Free Advertising for your web site
Can Blogging Bring you Traffic?
I read a article on another blog of guy by the name of David Edelman he has been blogging for a year to promote his new book. After blogging for a year with 83 posts he has around 45,000 visitors a month! Thats alot of traffic this was good news! I loved the fact I found someone thats getting that much traffic from writing in a blog. if you wrote 2 articles a day for 40 days you could have 80 posts. Thats attainable it doesnt have to take a year or so to do that. I would love to have that many visitors a month. It would help promote my business http://www.thetellafried.com which is a free tool webmasters or bloggers can add to their website that generates referrals to your articles or products. I love this tool so much I have added it to the bottom of this blog. It flat out works I get referrals from emails this way. I check my stats and I get plenty of referrals this way. Best of all the traffic didnt cost me a penny. I love it! If you want to check out Davids Blogpost goto http://david-l-edelman.livejournal.com/28518.html see the stats on there. The guy sounds like a average every day guy that was skeptical about starting a blog now hes getting loads of traffic. I have to say its quite an accomplishment. I hope that I can have those kinds of results some day. Im new to blogging but have to say its great and addicting. I been blogging for about 2 days I will constantly write articles about the traffic ill be getting from writing these blogs to keep you posted. So you can see how great blogging can be!!!
Robby Keller
Free Advertising on the internet site!
Technorati Profile
Robby Keller
Technorati Profile
Free advertising on the internet
Is it possible to make money advertising on the internet? Sure it is write content write, write, and write some more. I was paying all kinds of money for traffic using pay per click search engines. Its alot easier to just write content to make money especially when its free. If you wrote 2 articles a day for 30 on your site you would have 60 articles. If your in the search engine it would be virtually impossible for you not to get traffic. It has to be your content though. Dont copy someone elses. Theres articles sites out there that give free articles. Well if 1,000 people grap that same article and put it on their site. Why do you think people searching for similiar content would find yours first. They wouldnt write content every chance you get. You will eventually get better at and develop better ideas constantly. Think over time if you had 2,000 articles on a blog. You would proably generate hundereds of hits a day. Try it as just a fun hobby and watch your trafic grow. It will be slow at first but after 2 weeks of writing unique articles watch your traffic explode. Once you see the first hits you will get addited. I use extreme tracking and hittail to track my hits. And what they search for to find me a great tool. If you someone searched to find your site for the term "free advertising on the internet" write a article about that so your hits will expand and youll proably get higher ranks for that keyword because its more info about that search.
Hope this works for you!
Robby Keller
Free Advertising Tool for your Web Site
Hope this works for you!
Robby Keller
Where can I find keywords for search engine marketing?
I would like to take the time and show you what I think is best for keyword research. First if you havent seen my post about longtail keywords please do is has some great information. Okay the biggest obstacle is what keywords should have on your web site. If you have alot of content thats great but what if no one is searching for the content your offering. Well im going to recommend a few tools I you to do my keyword research.
my personal favorite is http://tools.seobook.com/general/keyword/
Finding keywords is half the battle you need to find out there competetion and find keywords that do get searched but have little competition. Sometimes have misspellings is good to have people misspell all the time they can find your site by misspellings especially if you have the misspelling on your site. Thats why im not to worried about perfect grammer and spelling. I know people will find my site before someone elses if they misspell something just like I did. People are always looking for information give to them find a keyword and write articles or a blog about the keyword. The content alone will bring them in because they will type variations for keywords. People are looking for answers to questions might as well give them the answers there looking for!
my personal favorite is http://tools.seobook.com/general/keyword/
Finding keywords is half the battle you need to find out there competetion and find keywords that do get searched but have little competition. Sometimes have misspellings is good to have people misspell all the time they can find your site by misspellings especially if you have the misspelling on your site. Thats why im not to worried about perfect grammer and spelling. I know people will find my site before someone elses if they misspell something just like I did. People are always looking for information give to them find a keyword and write articles or a blog about the keyword. The content alone will bring them in because they will type variations for keywords. People are looking for answers to questions might as well give them the answers there looking for!
Another site to get long tail words!
This site actually uses long tail keywords that they have gotten from using adwords campaigns you can actually buy a list of long tail kewyords sometimes more than 10,000 for a given domain. Very useful it will give you more ideas on what to write about. They do give you a example list of about 50 or so terms. The benefit of using long tail keywords in your Search Engine Marketing is the reduced cost per lead with a higher conversion rate. Individually, each keyword may generate only a couple of hits per month to your website. However, when you add those hits up collectively, they can generate thousands of high quality visitors to your site. Here is a example list of keywords for that I got when putting in www.free-banners.com a very popular banner exchange site.
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and this is just a small list if you had a site with more and more terms that people are searching for you will get more traffic. Of course your site must be indexed in the search engines. This service does cost $19.99 for a list of thousands and thousands of keywords. The Web Site URL to visit is http://www.longtailadwords.com/
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and this is just a small list if you had a site with more and more terms that people are searching for you will get more traffic. Of course your site must be indexed in the search engines. This service does cost $19.99 for a list of thousands and thousands of keywords. The Web Site URL to visit is http://www.longtailadwords.com/
I hope you find this information very useful!
New tool that will expand your idea for targetting your customers in the Search Engines!
The secret gold mine for getting visitors from the search engines is from content. People are always looking for information. For instance when someone is searching for lets say "Free Advertising for there web site" they may put in the search engine "How Can I get free advertising for my web site?" If your site has content there looking for then yours will be found but it has to be unique content. Dont use other peoples articles it doesnt work that way. If there 200 sites with the same article on them why would yours come up first. It wouldnt make sense for it too. With unique content people will find your site through the search engines. Well the magic is the long tail search a good tool to use is a tool that allows you to get ideas about what kind of content to put on your site that people are looking for. The name of the site is Hittail it allows you to put a little code on your site that will track the exact search the visitor put in to find your site. Ive used the tool it is great for getting ideas. Sometimes youll find terms people are typing to find you that you didnt realize its great because now you know what to write more content about to expand that long tail of searches. Sometimes youll notice that youll get 30 visitors a month for one term. Well obviously you want to write content about it there is a demand why not write more about and get higher for those results. Plus you can use this concept for pay per click too! Thats right it will save you thousands on your pay per click campaigns. Ive used it for overture (Yahoo Search Marketing) on overture when someone types in Free Advertising to be rank number 1 you would have to pay close to $0.48
a click(which is still pretty cheap for traffic) but for more specific terms which close sales more by the way you pay less. For instance lets say you got searches from free advertising internet site. Well to be rank number 1 now you paying .21 but .10 will make you number 4. Yes free advertising internet site gets searched alot less. But you see when you start getting a list of say 4,000 keywords that get searched alot less it adds sometimes past what you would get if you payed .48 why not find that whole market and tackle it. Whatever your niche is why compete for a term on google that 1,000,000 people are competing for why should your page rank higher. CONTENT thats how, you have to have loads of content and people will search your content when there searching for what you have. The more specific the better try it out youll like HitTail is a free service its in beta testing in the future they will have it were you have to pay but use now and youll see the service is worth it. Feel free to leave your comments. If you have questions for me I would love to answer them. Have a great day I will continue to find great new tools and resources you can use for your web site.
a click(which is still pretty cheap for traffic) but for more specific terms which close sales more by the way you pay less. For instance lets say you got searches from free advertising internet site. Well to be rank number 1 now you paying .21 but .10 will make you number 4. Yes free advertising internet site gets searched alot less. But you see when you start getting a list of say 4,000 keywords that get searched alot less it adds sometimes past what you would get if you payed .48 why not find that whole market and tackle it. Whatever your niche is why compete for a term on google that 1,000,000 people are competing for why should your page rank higher. CONTENT thats how, you have to have loads of content and people will search your content when there searching for what you have. The more specific the better try it out youll like HitTail is a free service its in beta testing in the future they will have it were you have to pay but use now and youll see the service is worth it. Feel free to leave your comments. If you have questions for me I would love to answer them. Have a great day I will continue to find great new tools and resources you can use for your web site.
Please post comments and ideas
If you have any effective marketing strategies that work please share with us. This blog should grow immeasley.
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