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Free advertising on the internet

Is it possible to make money advertising on the internet? Sure it is write content write, write, and write some more. I was paying all kinds of money for traffic using pay per click search engines. Its alot easier to just write content to make money especially when its free. If you wrote 2 articles a day for 30 on your site you would have 60 articles. If your in the search engine it would be virtually impossible for you not to get traffic. It has to be your content though. Dont copy someone elses. Theres articles sites out there that give free articles. Well if 1,000 people grap that same article and put it on their site. Why do you think people searching for similiar content would find yours first. They wouldnt write content every chance you get. You will eventually get better at and develop better ideas constantly. Think over time if you had 2,000 articles on a blog. You would proably generate hundereds of hits a day. Try it as just a fun hobby and watch your trafic grow. It will be slow at first but after 2 weeks of writing unique articles watch your traffic explode. Once you see the first hits you will get addited. I use extreme tracking and hittail to track my hits. And what they search for to find me a great tool. If you someone searched to find your site for the term "free advertising on the internet" write a article about that so your hits will expand and youll proably get higher ranks for that keyword because its more info about that search.

Hope this works for you!
Robby Keller
Free Advertising Tool for your Web Site

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